As my boyfriend begins running after them, the thief with my phone throws the phone to his friend and they split up separate ways. A cheaper single ticket will allow you to move through the city for less money. Its all about using your common sense, were not going to lie. Copyright 2009-2023 Numbeo. But petty crime is a MAJOR problem in Barcelona. But only if you follow the rules and wear a helmet. It was a shoe shop with low stools and there were 3 shop assistants present. Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much Barcelona is a popular place for expats butthere ARE some things youll have to contend with if you decide to live in theCatalan capital: For the most part, its safe to live in Barcelona. There are few better ways to challengeyourself than by seeing the world on your own terms. Yes, I'm willing to do a survey, Copyright 2009-2023 Numbeo. Crime rate in Barcelona 11 years ago Save I wanted to add my comments to topic from personal experiences but it's closed. Its affordable, it looks and acts like a belt, and its sturdy what more could you ask for out of a money belt! The capital has around 2.9 million inhabitants. All Rights Reserved. However, police officials say there have been 5,331 violent street . Some called into question the viability of comparing the two cities in this manner while they have similar populations (both around 8.5 million), the trend only started in the last two months, which many consider too short a timeframe to be considered pertinent. Sehr nette Menschen, gutes Essen und Wetter. And a bit, Weve already mentioned that Barcelona has some amazing hostels and that staying in a good one is a good way to ensure your well-being. Source: Wikipedia, 2023; UNData, 2023. Single-use plastic bottles are a MASSIVE threat to marine life. and looks like an actual belt. Athens. The Global Cities Index is unique in that it measures global engagement of cities across five dimensions: business activity, human capital, information exchange, cultural experience and political engagement. Source:, 2023, The average price of a Coke or Pepsi (0.33 l bottle). Last December a friend of mine was murdered by young moors at the end of the Rambles. In 20.3% of the cases, the crime actually took place, while in 11.2% it was only attempted. So barcelona was amazing but when you wanna go be prepared for the worse. It has good statistics on most indicators of crime. Theres a lot of decent stuff to try here from pastries and other sweet treats to huge plates of steaming paellapacked with seafood all washed down with a refreshing beer, somecavaor whatever other local beverage is on offer. Immer eine Reise wert. Same here. Source: Wikipedia, 2023; city's official stats, 2023. I had no intention of going to an area that had such a high rate of theft regardless of how vigilant i was as i would not be able to relax at all in such an environment. UNLESS youre thinking of heading out on a day tripout of the city,driving aroundIN the city just isnt a great option. City is in general safe except, el born, gotico, raval and Barceloneta, especially not at night. How bad is London's murder rate compared to other EU capitals? Continue with Recommended Cookies. Barcelona ispretty muchawonderlandfor families. Its difficult to know if someone barging to get past you is someone pickpocketing you or just a regular person. Be respectful of the locals and maybe try to see parts of the city that are less well-known. OBVIOUSLY, don't leave your stuff unattended at any time in any area of the city. The cost of living in Barcelona is 46% less expensive than in London.Cities ranked 2776th and 65th ($1487 vs $2759) in the list of the most expensive cities in the world and ranked 2nd and 2nd in Spain and the United Kingdom, respectively.Check Spain vs the United Kingdom comparison.. In 2021, the London crime rate was 100 per 1,000. Source: city's official website, 2023. They just make other people's lifes more difficult. The metro is generally safe, nothing happened to me and I didn't see any pickpockets. Manage Settings More than annoying, its something that can totally put a spanner in the works of your trip. The passenger. Spain's crime rate is 18% . Use the discount code BROKEBACKPACKER for a $10 discount. To put this into perspective, there were 685 homicides across England and Wales in the 2017 financial year. @SadiqKhan, who by all accounts has done a terrible job as Mayor of London, has been foolishly nasty to the visiting President of the United States, by far the most important ally of the United Kingdom. You might need some Spanish, or Catalan, to get you from A to B. Food hygiene isa relative non-issue in Barcelona and, honestly, just about the ONLY places that might not be that interested in hygiene are TOURIST TRAPS. Spain's crime rate is 18% higher than England's crime . Last year, there were 136 homicides in the UK capital, according to Metropolitan Police figures. As the Big Apple's crime rate dropped, London's soared due to a spate of stabbings. Trump and Khans feud goes back several years but was renewed earlier this month when the US President branded the London mayor a stone cold loser moments before landing in the UK for a state visit. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. After a year, I decided to stay here for good. There's a lot of robbers based in the city at the moment due to the lack of control of illegally occupied homes. We mean, how are your pockets going to get picked if theres nothing in your pockets to pick in the first place? The 2017 figures include those killed in the London Bridge terror attack in June that year. Pack a water bottle, fill it when you need to, and youre good to go. Low level of air pollution has a good influence on peoples health and quality of living. If you dont? Barcelona is GREAT when it comes to public transport. Cities with stock exchanges are usually important financial centers influencing international or nationals financial markets. Currently, the worlds population is growing at a rate of approximately 1.07% per year. The anti-tourist sentiment is actually growing. Barcelona is a super cool city. Worldpackers trips are insured! Love both cities, but London pays twice as much, and since I can work from home, well. It will keep your valuables safe no matter where you go. Source: city's official stats, 2023. Unless youre staying long term, you can rent bikes pretty much everywhere around the city. Youre connected. Its one hell of a place. 21.7% in Barcelona). Are you unsure which one you prefer? These indications were very useful in not underestimating anything. I've been in Barcelona many times and nothing bad has ever happened to me. Older kids are going to love the late night culture because they get to act like an adult. All theGaudiarchitecture, all the beauty of theGothic Quarter,the hipster-friendly hostels, the endless shops ofLas Ramblas; we totally understand why anybody would want to visit. Victims of crimes have risen almost five points over the last five years, to 25.6%, and the perception that safety has worsened has grown by almost seven points (24.3% in 2018). Was in Barcelona for a month and witnessed 4 muggings and was beaten by 3 men outside a club. Just keep your valuables close to you and dont walk around Barcelona like its a theme park (say no to parquetematizacin). We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Few days after I got robbed at Hospitalet d Llobregat, a poor neighborhood that you should avoid as tourist thankfully they didnt took my valuables away because I hid it very well. Tourism is usually a major source of income of a city. Try to avoid Las Ramblas, Barrio Gtico, and Raval during the night or pay the consequences. Unknown. When it comes to somewhere KNOWN for petty theft, wearing a money belt definitely,definitelypays off. Buy an AMK Travel Medical Kit before you head out on your next adventure dont be daft! Spaniards were racists/xenophobes (not everyone though), while in the UK there are people from every country in the world, all coexisting peacefully and all of them with the same opportunities for advancement. In case you want to plan your vacation ahead, you can check out this BCN map. I am not beeing paranoid, but you feel always eyes on you. Answer (1 of 6): Depends on how you define it. In conclusion, we can say that Barcelona is trying hard to make its city safe for tourists, even with the help of its people. Barcelona is Dali country a city where gothic meets abstract and modern architecture, where everybody stays up late to eat and drink, and where there is plenty to do and see. That being said, you can get by pretty much anywhere if you know Spanish, and you wont have any trouble getting around Barcelona, Madrid, or other touristic areas only knowing English. The Commuter Pain Index is comprised of 10 issues: 1) commuting time, 2) time stuck in traffic, agreement that: 3) price of gas is already too high, 4) traffic has gotten worse, 5) start-stop traffic is a problem, 6) driving causes stress, 7) driving causes anger, 8) traffic affects work, 9) traffic so bad driving stopped, and 10) decided not to make trip due to traffic. Instead, buy an eSIM! Sources: Wikipedia, CIA World Factbook, 2023. In general, Barcelona is a pretty safe city to walk around in, even late at night. Re: Barcelona vs London. Italy's national stats institute (ISTAT) recorded 21 murders in Rome in 2016 (data for 2017 was not yet available) with 84 homicides taking place in total. The police were kind, but Im being made well aware that this happens all the time and its a shame because its a beautiful city. Forensics teams work at the scene of a stabbing in Edmonton, London, on March 31, 2019. branded the London mayor a stone cold loser. In general, cities with possibility of drinking alcohol in public places have more thriving nightlife. Businesses suffered from 12% of all crimes and crimes committed at home accounted for 4.6%. This increased from 99.72 in 2020. Theres a high chance theyll get stolen from you. Basically, Barcelona is a bit of a foodie heaven. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); And for transparencys sake, please know that some of the links in our content are affiliate links. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. [39] British Crime Survey Violence Rates (1981-2009) [14] [40] Crime rate. I won't mention areas where tourists have no business. I spent 5 days in Barca for my honeymoon. It can be nice to live in big cities or countries, as a larger space may offer more options for residents and visitors. I never looked back. See also Is Barcelona cheap for students? Westminster saw the highest numbers if crime in 2020 with 48,635 instances recorded by police, second highest was Croydon (33,266 crimes) and third was Newham (33,233). If I hadnt just had my wedding with photos of my family and friends on that phone, I wouldnt have been so determined to get it back. The numbers by sex show similar levels of victimisation, although women said they suffered more attacks on their personal safety (20.1%) than men (16.8%). Theres nothing that, as a woman, is stopping you from seeing Barcelona alone. While I have had no problem living here, the impression is that safety has worsened. Source: Wikipedia, 2023. Almost one in two crimes or attempts took place in an open public space (43.9%), followed by public transport (30.3%). Here, you will find safety knowledge and advice for travelling Barcelona. If you want MORE top-tier Broke Backpacker content like this, then sign up for our weekly newsletter below to get the latest and greatest! If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high. Parking is also super pricey and there are also other hassles, such as. Despite an increasing trend between . Scream if something happens. If it smells a bit weird or tastes a little bit, either, If youre out and about looking for food from a local vendor, make sure to avoid things that look as though they have been, Whilst many of the tourists are concentrated around the, If youve got something minor, just head to one of the many. This category encompasses all instances of one person killing another, whether there was intent or not, and can include deaths from murder, manslaughter, infanticide and corporate manslaughter. vs. Barcelona. And Barcelona, being a big city, has lots of healthcare options and excellent services: But other than that, its honestly AMAZING. You can find them attaxi ranksor you can just hail them in the street. The number of international embassies indicates the importance of a city for political, diplomatic and lobbying issues. Crime galore! Watch out for the muslims in barcelona, its pretty much little syria here. (London). Personally I have never had an incident there, Barcelona is no longer safe, lots of Moroccans robbing, you are safer in America where u can own a gun. Safety comparisons Barcelona vs London. However, assuming the higher figure of 134 murders as correct, the murder rate for London for 2018 is 1.52 per 100,000 population. This is a TOP choice for many reasons: its rugged, affordable (youre on a budget, right?) Firearms incidents are well below average at 1.67 per 100,000 compared to 6.79 on average in Canada. In 2018,. The only thing to worry about with Uber is that it has a bit of anon-off relationshipwith the authorities in Barcelona. After six years I decided to come to England to improve my English. Barcelona is as safe as it gets for tourists in a popular European city. Some shocking thing I saw is, where a young man from north you know, is empting a woman bag on the street and looking for valuables. The best form of protection, in any situation, is prevention. Our advice to you would be to simply travel smart avoid massive crowds, deserted streets at night, and anywhere else that might make you an easy target. Terms of Use and . The percentage of people who reported crimes has remained stable in recent years and sat at 22.4% in 2017. On public transport, in shops, restaurants. Source: Wikipedia, 2023; city's official website, 2023. Berlin saw 91 cases of homicide in 2017 but has a far smaller population of around 3.5 million. The monkeys are destroying everything, thx Mayor of BCN and filthy politicians. I took precautions with my belongings and was vigilant during my time in Spain especially in madrid and Barcelona. The largest US city New York had a relatively low murder rate of just 3.4 murders per 100,000 residents. Some countries had limited data on homicides and murders. PLUS, you save money and the environment! To reflect the differences in the cost of living and inflation rates, we show the GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP). But other than that, youre going to be fine! A Warner Bros. Avoid doing these things in Barcelona to stay safe: Steer clear of any political demonstration/protest Dont leave your belongings unattended Dont walk around looking rich and flashy Dont talk about Catalan independence. Crimes rates vary significantly between the states, with states with such as Alaska, New Mexico, and Tennessee experiencing much higher crime rates than states such as Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. One in four people surveyed had been the victim of a crime during 2017. Attacks like that happen anywhere in this world and I would say Barcelona is still better for LGBT people than dutch cities, uk cities, swede cities, belgian cities and french cities because the muslim population is even higher there. Did you encounter any technical issues? Your use of this service is subject to our Despite the crowds, tourists, pickpockets, demonstrations whatever Barcelona is safe. Moreover, most young Spaniards people can speak Spanish and English. See the action we've taken as a result of this fact check. The weather is better for sun worshipers in Spain, and both cities have a huge amount of history and culture. With rave reviews about both, it can be difficult to choose between them. This city is infested with migrant youngsters from magreb (algeria and marocco) that rape, rob women, people with disabilities, gay and elderly. In all honesty, youre going to be fine when you visit Barcelona and you will very rarely if ever be in danger. I got in a taxi but he refused to take me when we were surrounded by the gang who literally blocked every exit around us. City with more public wireless spots provides easier and wider internet access. Many locals have an additional water filter installed in their kitchen although many of these same people remark that its kinda overkill. Number of billionaires can indicate if the city has significant agglomerations of personal wealth. Most of the times people just want to scam you rather than actually robbing you, especially in La Rambla, but be careful anyways. Don't wear golden chains or valuable watches either. Ive never felt so unsafe with my personal property walking alone, although I dont fear that Id be a victim of a violent crime, its unsettling that I cant even walk back to my Airbnb without fear of being a victim. Some called into question the viability of comparing the two cities in this . A city founded a longer time ago has more history, which can give extra cultural richness for visitors and residents. Stick with the main and popular streets and you wont face any troubles. 29.4 annual crime rate per 1k workday people 78% Published by D. Clark , Jul 26, 2022 There were over 242,824 violent crime offences recorded by the Police in London in 2021/22 an increase of 24,778 when compared with the previous reporting. Is public transportation in Barcelona safe? Last year, The Met Police recorded 130 murders in London. Disclaimer: Safety conditions change all over the world on a daily basis. According to reports, 2019 was London's bloodiest year since more than a decade, with a record number of 143 people killed. This isn't racism.. it's common sense. Lived in Barcelona for half a year, first in the area of El Raval and then in the Eixample district. , Barrio Gtico, and since I can work from home, well in all honesty youre... 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