This powerful conversion led Paul to give his life to the mission of building up the church and furthering the kingdom of God. But is it correct to characterize Paul as an ultra-conservative reacting to what he perceived as a dangerous liberal view, namely, that Jesus was the Messiah and the High Priest killed him. Paul, before his conversion, tended to be more like the Shammaites in that he was fairly violent and full of persecution. I have regularly recommended you start your own blog and have these sorts of discussions there. My question is, is it too outrageous to see Pauls tendency (pre-conversion and post-conversion) as one that is either starting up a new hybrid of Jewish thought or a member of one of the smaller groups already formed? The Apostle John recorded about the New Jerusalem, The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. [Revelation 21:14], The Apostles are 12 faithful eyewitnesses who walked with Jesus during His entire earthly ministry, and Matthias is the 12th. For example, But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified (1 Corinthians 9:27 ESV). In athletics and my walk with Christ, I must remain disciplined in all that I do. The cornerstone of Judaism then and now is that although it has guidelines it also leaves rooms for free thought. I see zero Biblical basis for the idea that Paul trained Apollos, or that Paul granted specific authority to any other individual in Corinth other than himself. When Hillel died, his son Simeon assumed his position, but Simeon died shortly after he took office. The sect were known as Nazarites or Netzrim and in later writings Messianics. It was no less difficult then, yet it was We should not follow the jesus of Paul the Pharisee or Muhammad or any other man, who had their own ideas of who jesus was and what He did. Bibliography: Bruce Chilton, Rabbi Jesus 28-47; Gamaliel in ABD 2:904. The NIV headings were not part of the original text, and sometimes they can be misleading, but in this case I believe the heading is right on. Being a Pharisee did not disqualify you from believing in Yeshua. . To date, there is either historical nor tradional evidence to support Sauls presence. To Paul, Christianity was dangerous, and to his Jewish thinking, very wrong. So the biggest problem with the church in Corinth was Paul himself, and his abusive absentee leadership style. Clearly youve never taken hebrew or greek in your life. Yes the Holy Spirit guided him in his writings, but part of being human is how we are shaped from our teachers and mentors. Share of voice equals share of mind. we only see him make use of those things POST conversion, this is true enough, but we do not really have a very large database of material to assess Pauls Hellenistic worldview prior to his conversion. He was absolutely brilliant. three years His claim before . How long will you waver between two opinions? How can we account for this violent reaction in a man trained by Gamaliel? Ron Mosely and the archaeology team has gone through great lengths to disprove your theory by presenting actual archaeological evidence.. While he agrees with Gamaliel, Paul wants to protect that which he loves. Paul would never have slowed down on his preaching to write the books in the bible we have to learn from, so God put him in prison. Stop pitying yourself, you are not being persecuted. The Orthodox Muslim view of the Koran as self-evidently the Word of God, perfect and inimitable in message, language, style, and form, is strikingly similar to the fundamentalist Christian notion of the Bibles inerrancy and verbal inspiration that is still common in many places today. Since I am teaching through Paul and his Letters again this fall, I thought I would revisit that older post and provide some additional thoughts on Gamaliel as background for reading Paul. If it wasnt for his prior teaching and influence, then he would not of had the zeal and passion. Love. Paul may be seeing this as another threat to the Law and acts as his predecessors did to preserve the culture and traditions of the Pharisaical movement and interpretations. There are many of us Red Letter Christians out here in evangelical land. You will seek Him and find Him when you seek Him with all your heart.. To my Bible-believing Evangelical friends: If you have been reading some of my posts and you feel a spirit rising up inside you telling you: Hes wrong !!! Dont ask us! I think in certain ways, Paul can be described as a Christian Pharisee who believes in Jesus because there are times when Paul goes very much by the books and follows certain rules. Why is this a strange idea? We should follow the Jesus of the Gospel writers. (Matthew 27:45). Paul enunciated precisely the same principle in Romans 7:2 (Polhill 30). It generated a great deal of discussion, some of which was more heat than light. I will say, The Jewish account maintains that he remained a Pharisee until his death makes perfect sense since we know that there were other Pharisees who were Christians in Acts 15, and Paul still claims to be a Pharisee when he testifies before the Sanhedrin in Acts 23:6. Good question, although in Acts Gamaliel is more lenient than Paul with respect to the followers of Jesus. It makes a big difference to the owner, the worker objected. Dmando0110. It is comparing the words of Jesus with the words of Paul (and other men) regarding which one is the Most Important Commandment and which one is the Second commandment, which together fulfill the Law and the Prophets. What was his first name? Paul is the model pastor for many modern Pauls like; a) Bob Coy, who still owns all the assets and controls all the money at his cult known as Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, in spite of his recent resignation as Senior Pastor there due to adultery with multiple woman and other major sins that he still has never specifically admitted to personally. And even if Matthias was physically absent at that particular occasion, Jesus is still establishing the basic qualification for having one of the twelve thrones as being you who have followed me, not someone who will follow Jesus in the future, like Paul, James, Luke or anyone else in the world. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented: AN INTELLECTUAL OF THE TIME, PAUL LEARNED FROM THE BEST AND MOST COMPASSIONATE TEACHER AROUND! The issue wasnt the Torah, the issue it was the corrupted law that man attached to the Torah. In Matthew 22 and Mark 12, Jesus identified two commandments, saying one of them is the first and greatest most important one. Hello A. Gazali, It seems you have a hunger for the truth. When and where did they first meet. 1:3 ; 1:11-12, etc.). We are supposed to paint the house first. There are Rabbinic schools today, of course, who would study the sorts of things Paul would have, so perhaps a yeshiva is a good parallel to Pauls education. .1) Gospel of Mark time lag between being appointed and being sent Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. Contemporary Jewish records continue to list him first among the Sanhedrin.[24]. Infact, the sect that condemned Yeshua were Sadducee. The Hat is, What were Pauls sins?, The music starts, with a cheery blast of trumpets in a melody that is familiar to most North Americans- the Mexican Hat Dance. (The national dance of Mexico, taught in Mexican public schools since 1921, and officially named El Jarabe Tapatio.), A couple in rather elaborate traditional costumes begins the dance. Its called Islam and it is True Religion and the fastest growing religion on earth because people are realizing that Christianity is built on a foundation of lies and the religion of the Nazarenes and Ebionites is preserved in Islam. Your comments are ridiculous and borderline stupidity. Perhaps on the basis of a preserved tradition that he oversaw the body of St. Stephen. scholars can go in offering probable rather than speculative inferences? He is so nonsensical in his opinion and claims that one never reads his Epistles in full without thinking, Is he for real?. Gamaliel was himself a Pharisee in the tradition of the great Hillel. I know from the Scriptures that Paul Worship is wrong, but the entire Church Establishment says its right. He just doesnt suddenly become submission to government and punishment, or in his words a prisoner of Jesus Christ. He is, at least, in some small way returning to what he could have been taught by Gamaliel. He comes back to nonviolence and tolerance in his ministry (how he handles the riots and the scourgings). I think they are both wrong, because of Ephesians 2:15 and Matthew 5:17-20, among other Scripture passages Can you help to bring harmony in the Bride of Christ? I didnt know everything 7 years ago either but I have grown and learned new things about God and His Word in the past 7 years, as is normal for a growing believer. section 8 rentals in oak grove ms Thats the short version of my definition of what is an Apostle.. Which one is it? I wont say Im high on Jesus, and so using a mind-altering drug for recreational purposes is wrong, because Jesus is better. I dont want to be rejected by my peers. Jesus is in agreement with the Law and the Prophets and came to fulfill them. [Matthew 5:17-20]. It is said that in the 5th century, by a miracle, his body had been discovered and taken to Pisa Cathedral. A generation before Christ there were two great rabbis, Hillel and Shammai. Every Book of it, every Chapter of it, every Verse of it, every word of it, every syllable of it.. every letter of it, is the direct utterance of the Most High!, Not all the Christians think this way about the Bible however., It depends greatly on which Jesus, and what you mean by believe. The underlying basis is, what is the supreme written Word of God, above all others?, I believe in the Jesus of the Gospels (Matthew Mark Luke & John in the Christian Bible.). This is your only warning before being banned for incivility. In fact, it is in this capacity where he is first mentioned in Acts 5. In Philippians 2:6-11 Paul states that Christ Jesus was preexistent and came to earth: he "emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness." This sounds as if Jesus was a heavenly being who only appeared to be human. [Acts 20:31 vs Acts 19:8-10], .4) Paul abandoning the Church in Corinth after a year and a half for no obvious reason, and going off on another long trip, mostly on his own, without appointing anyone else in Corinth as overseer, or giving anyone else any specific authority in the Church in Corinth. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. No research was taken into account of what the yeshivas of HIllel and Shammi taught and believed. That is incorrect. Polhil states that perhaps around the age of fourteen to sixteen Paul went to Jerusalem to study under Gamaliel (Acts 22:3), (30). What were Pauls specific sins as a Christian? The issue is that the massive influx of gentiles into the sect are causing problems by bringing in gentile customs, natural born Jews adhearing to traditions that contradict Torah. Well see in your other articles. new nbi director 2021. celsius drink side effects; family as a social construct; hobbies and interests for health care assistant. As much as I appreciate you keeping an almost 4 year old thread alive, you just do not contribute much to the conversation. The underlying unspoken assumption is that The Bible (66 Books) was given to us by God as one book and its all equal in level of authority, priority, and importance. (I know, captain obvious). I have been looking and wanted to know about the Gamaliel , because in Nepal we have competition for the ranking and Im bit aware of this and I have burden for our people in Nepal not go this way and I want to teach as a teacher to be out from this kinds of Gamaliel position, who just want to be in the meeting not taking burden of their neighbor who need Jesus than taking a position in the Gamaliel meetings. The Clementine Literature suggested that he maintained secrecy about the conversion and continued to be a member of the Sanhedrin for the purpose of covertly assisting his fellow Christians. Gamaliel was a Pharisee, and a prestigious teacher of the law in the council. Paul being the prodigal student, as it were, and departing from his mentor to do whatever he wants, abandoning his teachings, and then returning later when he realizes how foolish he was. Also known as Saul of Tarsus, he had been rescued by Roman troops and now faced the people from a stairway near the temple in Jerusalem. Pohill points out that Gamaliel seemed to be very resigned about this new Jesus movement, saying that if Christianity was not of Gods will, they would end in disaster just like the false messianic movements in Israels past did (pg 31). People trained by Paul to carry on the work after he left. These would be lofty words for a law abiding Pharisee to be speaking and Paul obviously saw Christ as the laws fulfillment. Rome is the city that sits on seven hills, the perfect place for Peter the Roman, the New World Pope for the New World Order, to replace the original Apostle Peter in the apostate church of the Antichrist. In reality youd be considered a Judaizer ( an no its not what Christians think it is because that definition is clearly wrong) and thrown out of the synagogues. His primary Gamaliel taught between A.D. 22-55, giving us an approximate early date for Paul's education. So if our priorities are The Great Commission and the Great Commandment, we have our priorities upside down and confused, and we are not listening to the voice of Jesus. In fact, it almost sounds as if he is name-dropping in order to impress people! Paul wrote 29 chapters to this church that he founded and then left after 18 months, and also we have Lukes biographical account starting in Acts 18:1. It is the drastic nature of the difference in his life after he surrenders to Jesus that testifies to the Power and Truth of who Christ is, as well as to the wonder of the great mystery that is later revealed to Paul! When the homeowner returned in the evening, he was furious. Last Weeks Reading: Evangelicals, Water, and the Theology of Paul New Ways Forward,,, Romans, Part 57 | The Gospel and the Religious Mind,,,, Pauls Jewish Heritage (Philippians 3:4-6) | Reading Acts, What Kind of Jew was Paul? It sounds so right, so intelligent, so professional, so godly.. but it is fundamentally flawed. I got lots of note on it I thank God and I praise God. It seems that people want to limit the intervention of God in the lives of people he intends to use. A better resource would be Shaye Cohen, The Beginnings of Jewishness: Boundaries, Varieties, Uncertainties (University of California Press, 2001). Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Law. So if I wanted to be like Paul I could stretch the truth and claim that Marco Barrientos was my worship teacher- but really that would be name-dropping in order to impress people!, Quote from The Atlantic Monthly Magazine, January 1999 Article titled What is the Koran? by Toby Lester. I believe that his reaction was not majorly a reflection of his upbringing and teaching, but rather of a fear that the tradition and comfort of the Jewish ways was being challenged by a dangerous liberal view (P. Long), and he thought it his duty to protect his lifestyle and beliefs as a Hebrew of Hebrews, a Pharisee, and of the Tribe of Benjamin (Phi 3:5-5). Later, when Im at the height of my career, and Im financially secure and I dont have to worry about finding a job or keeping my job, and I have some real influence- maybe 40 years from now, when Im, like, in my sixties, say in around 2013- thats when Ill really be able to stand up for Jesus. The words of Jesus are superior to the words of everyone else in the Bible and to everyone else in the world. I tried to look for the beginning (Acts 1), because a friend Im discipling has asked to go through Acts with me, and this looks like good supplement material. This was where the institution derived its name, gymnos being the Greek word for naked. For Jews, nakedness was religiously offensive (11). By Paul being Jewish and involved in the gymnasium, he was going against the norm. Why follow a self-appointed voice that has given itself a special title like immaculate conception prophet apostle to the gentiles? Needless to say, many still revere Philomena and Christopher as saints. I need to refine that. You are unable to understand this since you assume all Christians believe wrongly about Jesus and Paul. If Paul's conversion, as described in Acts was a literal event, the account would not so clearly appear to be based on the Greek classics. Why do so many people frequently attack and tear down and dismiss the Original Apostles, particularly Peter, as if they were all incompetent, stupid, and wrong in so many ways, and they didnt even know what an Apostle was? I will call him a liar . Somehow Barnabas who was at the Pentecost knew Saul! There were at least 2 elements of Paul's training. And most Evangelical pastors who read the Bible spend most of their time listening to the voice of Paul, so they become like Paul. But I digress, James, we had a good run. Why ignore the words of our Lord God Jesus Christ, Son of Yahweh the Most High God of Israel, who came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets? You need to read more than later recollections of what Hillell and Shammai said (ie.,, Mishnah and Talmud, both much later than the New Testament and there is a great discussion in scholarship over how much of that material reflects the real world of the first century). I will leave that to the Ruah, my rabbi and the Yeshiva (that ive been attending for years) I attend. Gamaliel Paul, in a speech to the Jews, tried to influence them by stating that he had been a student of Gamaliel ("I am a Jew, . Similarly,When did Paul study under Gamaliel? The Middle East is very unstable. If Paul began study at the latest age of 16, we can guess a birth year of about 6 at the earliest. There were a plethora of Pharisee within the Sanhedrin that agreed with Yeshua and Yeshua himself is a Pharisee(plethora of verses that state this as well). Mainstream Judaism resistance to Paul isnt a sign of absolute proof that he wasnt a student of Hillel. He was an expert in the law. Why are you waiting, be of those who bow to Gods Will if you know that the Bible has lies in it and is corrupt, you must believe that a true religion exists in the world and isnt a secluded secret for the few who know! We cannot work on assumption that Paul was different to what the book of Acts says. This is a matter of defining ones terms. Eryk, have you ever heard of dual citizenship? "From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land." Thus, Matthew was providing a second written witness, confirming the testimony of Jesus.). Gamaliel the Elder, or Rabban Gamaliel I, was a leading authority in the Sanhedrin in the early first century CE. Since the entire ministry framework both Yeshua and Paul are 100% Jewish, meaning adherence oral and written law, you are to view it from that lense. Jesus and the Original Apostles knew what an Apostle is better than anyone else in the world. More Wright supposition! Judas obviously didnt stand by Jesus in his trial, as the whole world knows. As an athlete and sports enthusiast, the references really stuck out to me and are passages of scripture that I have read multiple times. Or see the series of posts on Core Beliefs of Second Temple Judaism starting here: The translation of his relics is observed on August 2 . I admit this is all speculation and I dont have a shred of evidence for any of this but it makes me wonder if Paul was trying to start something extraordinary within Judaism (As he mentions in his defense in Acts 22) and God harnessed that ambition for the glory and advancement of His Church. Written in stone. What could be more permanent than that? The concept of a rabbi was extremely new in Paul's time, and he probably didn't study under one. Acts 22:3 - "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, taught according to the strictness of a. He has Masters degrees in Biblical Exposition and Old Testament from Talbot School of Theology (BIOLA) and a PhD in New Testament from Andrews University. As a teen, his family sent him to Jerusalem to study under Gamaliel, the most prestigious Jewish teacher of that time, similar to a Harvard education today. And I need to save a throne for my mom, or shell be mad. They didnt celebrate easter, christmas, saunday. Was he working around/with the High Priests, or would he still have been studying under Gamaliel? Its not like there is a reason to believe a man who said, If my FALSEHOODS abound to Gods glory why am I being judged a sinner.?. Yahweh is the path to freedom, not Paul. The notion was given classic expression only a little more than a century ago by the biblical scholar John William Burgon. His most recent book is The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World (Rockridge, 2022). Terms in this set (31) Where was Paul born? But he certainly does not handle the NT very well from what I have read. Finally in Troas, Paul received a vision of a man asking them to go into Macedonia (modern-day Greece). Lets not waste our time with endless debates about what Paul really meant with his wacky teachings about baptizing the dead or there is neither male nor female. Paul was wrong. Silence since March now its June. The quicker we do it, the more profitable it is for us. On analogy to Supreme Court Justices dissenting in limited and specific cases (anomolies) as a dissenting minority against a majority with whom the dissent would normally agree? And one for Muhammad too. Maybe, from what I have seen of him he does not go to great lengths on anything. Instead, it puts their focus on their one special man above all others his personality, words and teachings, character, life example, feelings, experience, intentions, mind, will, emotions, etc. If Paul began study at the latest age of 16, we can guess a birth year of about 6 at the earliest. I do not think that after conversion he started reading manuals of style in order to communicate better with Gentiles, he already was well aware of these styles because the were pervasive in the culture. If Christianity means people who follow Jesus as messiah and savior then there is Christianity, beginning with Jewish followers of Jesus and moving out to the Gentiles through the Pauline mission. If you dont agree with my interpretations and applications of the facts, fine. For example, are we missing any casuistry from Gamaliel which might demonstrate Gamaliels dissent from Hillel in specific cases presenting unique facts? What else do we know about him? For years now America has been stuck in a seemingly endless, unwinnable guerilla war in an Asian nation that borders China. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. Jesus Leadership Training, The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World. On page 38 Polhil writes, Paul certainly showed more the attitude of the zealots than of Gamaliel. Polhil also mentions in Phillipians 3:5-6, Paul refers to his persecuting in close connection with his zeal for the law. Polhil then mentions that a modern Zionist would have a yearning for the independence of the nation and the restoration of the glory of the temple by the Messiah. After reading our sections it seems to me that although Paul studied under Gamaliel, his actions resembled more closely to the Shammaite party. I got my Masters Degree at Dallas Theological Seminary. Paul wrote: The entire law is summed up in a SINGLE command: Love your neighbor as yourself. [Galatians 5:14, Leviticus 19:18], And again, Paul wrote: He who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. I regularly answer your lengthy and off topic responses. Which owner would be upset if we finished early? Sticking with Acts, Gamaliel counsels caution in Acts 5, Rabbi Saul seems to abandon caution by Acts 7. Dr. Ron Mosely and the archaeology team has gone through great lengths to disprove your theory by presenting actual archaeological evidence. The Astounding Conversion of Paul Jesus never calls us out For what we used to be. And what kind of a stone is the most solid, permanent, and unchangeable? Phillip J. Well considering I am infact Jewish I dont need your advice on what I should read.. Here is how Jesus answered that question: #1 One of the teachers of the law asked him [Jesus], Of all the commandments, which is the most important?, The most important one, answered Jesus, is this: Hear, of Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Conversion led Paul to carry on the work after he took office regularly answer your lengthy and off topic.. Pisa Cathedral son Simeon assumed his position, but Simeon died shortly after he took.! Speculative inferences precisely the same principle in Romans 7:2 ( Polhill 30 ) NT very well from what have... 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