18 U.S.C. The burden resulting from this proposed Start Printed Page 27740rule is 0.25 hours per set of submittals by licensed dealers and licensed pawnbrokers to licensed manufacturers. Again, due to the new definition and changes to marking regulations, the technical amendments here would make certain words plural (e.g., manufacturer(s), country or countries of manufacture, and serial number(s)) in the regulations as applicable. Consistent with the language and purpose of the GCA, this proposed provision is necessary to allow ATF to trace all firearms acquired and disposed of by licensees, prevent illicit firearms trafficking, and provide guidance to FFLs and the public with respect to PMF transactions with the licensed community. 1973) (machinegun that would take around an eight-hour working day in a properly equipped machine shop was readily restored to shoot); United States v. 16,179 Molso Italian .22 Caliber Winler Derringer Convertible Starter Guns, 443 F.2d 463 (2d Cir. Acceptable methods of destruction include completely melting, crushing, or shredding the frame or receiver, or by completely severing at least three critical areas of the frame or receiver using a cutting torch having a tip of sufficient size to displace at least 1/4 inch of material at each location. 67. The Attorney General is responsible for enforcing the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA), as amended, and the National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA), as amended. ATF regulates firearms as defined by the Gun Control Act of 1968 and National Firearms Act, and therefore, in general, ATF does not regulate accessories such as "stabilizing braces." . 837, 841 (1968) (literal application of the definition of taxpayer in section 7701(a)(14) was avoided where it was manifestly incompatible with the intent of other sections of the IRC); Davis v. Commissioner, 30 T.C. 3:12-0522, 2012 WL 5198090, at *4 (M.D. 1971) (starter guns converted in no more than 12 minutes to fire live ammunition were readily convertible under the GCA); United States v. Morales, 280 F. Supp. Those firearms would include numerous widely available models, such as Glock-type and Sig Sauer P320[14] Title: Identification Markings Placed on Firearms. [20] 34. documents in the last year, by the Food Safety and Inspection Service Second, the marks enable law enforcement officers to trace specific firearms used in crimes from the manufacturer or importer to individual purchasers, and to identify particular firearms that have been lost or stolen. daily Federal Register on FederalRegister.gov will remain an unofficial The records prepared by licensed dealers and licensed collectors of the sale or other disposition of firearms and the corresponding record of receipt of such firearms shall be retained until business or licensed activity is discontinued, either on paper, or in an electronic alternative method approved by the Director, at the business or collection premises readily accessible for inspection under this part. nothing in this rule would restrict persons not otherwise prohibited from possessing firearms from making their own firearms at home without markings solely for personal use (not for sale or distribution) in accordance with Federal, State, and local law. Tenn. Oct. 19, 2012) (serial number obliterated on the visible exterior of a revolver); State v. Shirley, No. 22. ATF also requests comments on the costs or benefits of the proposed rule and on the appropriate methodology and data for calculating those costs and benefits. In paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(G), remove the words serial number and add in Start Printed Page 27749their place the words serial number(s); c. In paragraph (c)(2)(ii), remove the word manufacturer and add in its place the word manufacturer(s); d. In paragraph (c)(2)(iii), remove country of manufacturer and add in its place country or countries of manufacturer(s) of the firearm or privately made firearm (if privately made in the United States); and. Such information shall be recorded in a format containing the applicable columns prescribed by 478.122, except that for armor piercing ammunition, the information and format shall also include the quantity of projectiles. Of the potential number of licensed dealers and licensed pawnbrokers, ATF estimates that those directly affected would be a one-time surge of 5,298 licensed dealers, 710 licensed pawnbrokers, and 36 non-licensed dealers that would be affected. Therefore, no actions were deemed necessary under the provisions of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, Public Law 104-4, 109 Stat. [70] 22. Senator Dodd explained that [t]he present definition of this term includes `any part or parts' of a firearm. With regard to silencer repairs, in order to avoid any appearance that an unlawful transfer has taken place, ATF recommends that an Application for Tax Exempt Transfer and Registration of Firearm, ATF Form 5, be submitted for approval prior to conveying the firearm for repair or identifying the firearm. Submit comments in any of three ways (but do not submit the same comment multiple times or by more than one method). This assumes, of course, that the PMF involved in the crime could even be traced to the Federal firearms licensee, or that the correct Form 4473 could be located. The title and description of the information collection, a description of those who must collect the information, and an estimate of the total annual burden follow. This leaked draft document from the ATF is just about as clear as mud: Definition of "Frame or Receiver" and Identification of Firearms. This provision is crucial in light of advances in technology that allow unlicensed persons easily to produce firearms at home from parts ordered online, or by using 3D printers or personally owned or leased equipment. Except for silencer parts produced by qualified manufacturers for transfer to other licensees to complete or repair silencer devices (see Section II.H.9 of the preamble), parts defined as a frame or receiver, machinegun, or firearm muffler or firearm silencer that are not component parts of a complete weapon or device when disposed of would be allowed to be marked up to seven days following the date of completion of the active manufacturing process for the part, or prior to disposition, whichever is sooner. A commenter may submit to ATF information identified as proprietary or confidential business information. Single-framed firearms incorporate the hammer, bolt or breechblock, and firing mechanism within the same housing. This rule proposes to authorize licensed manufacturers and importers to adopt an existing serial number, caliber/gauge, model, or other markings already identified on a firearm provided they legibly and conspicuously place, or cause to be placed, on each part (or part(s) previously determined by the Director) defined as a frame or receiver either: Their name (or recognized abbreviation), and city and State (or recognized abbreviation) where they maintain their place of business; or their name (or recognized abbreviation) and their abbreviated FFL number, which is the first three and last five digits followed by a hyphen, and then followed by the existing serial number (including any other abbreviated FFL prefix) as a suffix, e.g., 12345678-[serial number], to ensure the traceability of the firearm. [68] 462, 466-67 (1958) (strict geographical application of the term United States in 26 U.S.C. The DOJ and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives announced the new rule submission Friday, and it will go into effect after it's published in the Federal Register.. Although under 478.11 and 479.11 singular terms in the regulations must always be read to include the plural form, and vice versa, these changes are necessary to ensure that Federal firearms licensees record more than one manufacturer, importer, or serial number, if appropriate, when acquiring or disposing of firearms with multiple components marked as the frame or receiver, or that have been remanufactured or reimported by another licensee. See Internal Colt Memorandum from B. Northrop, Feb. 2, 1973, p.2 (noting that there were 2,752,812 military versus 25,774 civilian (Sporters) serialization of AR-15/M-16 rifles then manufactured). The second largest impact would be $12,828 if a manufacturer had to retool their existing production equipment, but ATF anticipates this is unlikely because this proposed rule encompasses the majority of existing technology. The significant alternatives considered are set forth in Section IV(A)(9) of this preamble. In paragraph (a)(1)(ii), remove the word country and add in its place the term country or countries; b. In addition, if ATF cannot read your comment due to technical difficulties and cannot contact you for clarification, ATF may not be able to consider your comment. The term shall include any such identification on a privately made firearm, or an ATF issued serial number. Because privately made firearms are manufactured by someone other than a licensed manufacturer, the serial number that incorporates the abbreviated Federal firearms license (FFL) number placed by a licensee on a PMF under this rule is the importer's or manufacturer's serial number. This definition would help ensure that the serial numbers and other markings necessary to ensure tracing, including those placed by a licensee on a privately made firearm or marked with an ATF-issued serial number,[61] This information must be placed in a manner not susceptible of being readily obliterated, altered, or removed. However, the Homeland Security Act of 2002, Public Law 107-296, 116 Stat. See NFA Handbook, ATF E-Publication 5320.8 (April 2009), pp. Rul. 923(g)(3)(A); 27 CFR 478.126a. tit. This definition and factors considered in determining whether a weapon, including a weapon parts kit, or unfinished or damaged frame or receiver may readily be assembled, completed, converted, or restored to function are based on case law interpreting the terms may readily be converted to expel a projectile in 18 U.S.C. 18. 18 U.S.C. Stat. 3d 360, 368, 374 (E.D. LehighValleyLive.com (March 28, 2018), https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/news/2018/05/how_the_felon_killed_at_walmar.html;; `Ghost guns': Loophole allows felons to legally buy gun parts online, KIRO7.com, https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/ghost-guns-federal-loophole-allows-felons-to-legally-buy-gun-parts-online-build-assault-weapons/703695149/. sections 6110.2, 6117; R.I. Gen. Laws section 11-47-24; S.C. Code. Accordingly, the Department and ATF have promulgated regulations implementing both the GCA and the NFA. Source: ATF Office of Strategic Intelligence and Information. However, the cost, capabilities, and availability of 3D printers are quickly improving. By engraving, casting, stamping (impressing), or otherwise conspicuously placing or causing to be engraved, cast, stamped (impressed) or otherwise placed on each part (or specific part(s) previously determined by the Director) defined as a frame or receiver thereof, a serial number, in a manner not susceptible of being readily obliterated, altered, or removed. Making this deletion would codify ATF Procedure 2020-1, which sets forth an alternative method of complying with 478.124(f) for non-over-the-counter firearm transactions. 17. Moreover, without any markings, they are nearly impossible to trace. Stat. In 479.112(a), second sentence, remove the words serial number and add in their place the words serial number(s). 2020) (This `naked eye test' best comports with the ordinary meaning of `altered'; it is readily applied in the field and in the courtroom; it facilitates identification of a particular weapon; it makes more efficient the larger project of removing stolen guns from circulation; it operates against mutilation that impedes identification as well as mutilation that frustrates it; and it discourages the use of untraceable weapons without penalizing accidental damage or half-hearted efforts.). After commencing business, licensees must record all firearms received and disposed of by the business in the AD Record to include the following information separated into columns: Manufacturer and/or importer, model, serial no., type, and caliber or gauge. * * * For purposes of this part, the term shall not include the temporary conveyance of a lawfully possessed firearm to a manufacturer or dealer qualified under this part for the sole purpose of repair, identification, evaluation, research, testing, or calibration, and return to the same lawful possessor. The prefatory paragraph to the definitional sections in the GCA and NFA regulations explain that [t]he terms `includes' and `including' do not exclude other things not enumerated which are in the same general class or are otherwise within the scope thereof. 27 CFR 478.11, 479.11. section 134-10; Idaho Code Ann. 5822; 26 U.S.C. Because privately made firearms do not have the identifying markings required of commercially manufactured firearms, this rule proposes to amend 27 CFR 478.92 to require FFLs to mark, or supervise the marking of, the same serial number on each frame or receiver (as defined in this rule) of a weapon that begins with the FFL's abbreviated license number (first three and last five digits) as a prefix followed by a hyphen on any privately made firearm (as defined) that the licensee acquired (e.g., 12345678-[number]). Frame or receiver. By engraving, casting, stamping (impressing), or otherwise conspicuously placing or causing to be engraved, cast, stamped (impressed) or otherwise placed on each part (or specific part(s) previously determined by the Director) defined as a frame or receiver thereof, a serial number, in a manner not susceptible of being readily obliterated, altered, or removed. 18 U.S.C. Any weapon, including a starter gun, which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or receiver of any such weapon; any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or any destructive device; but the term shall not include an antique firearm. Finally, the definition would make clear to persons who may acquire or possess a part now defined as a frame or receiver that is identified with a serial number that they must presume, absent an official determination by ATF or other reliable evidence to the contrary, that the part is a firearm frame or receiver without further guidance. Gen. Laws 269 section 11E (prohibiting manufacture or delivery of unserialized firearms to licensed dealer); N.J. Stat. Information Required To Be Marked on the Frame(s) or Receiver(s), 6. See How to Properly Destroy Firearms, ATF.gov, https://www.atf.gov/firearms/how-properly-destroy-firearms;; ATF Rul. But as unmarked and difficult-to-trace PMFs proliferate throughout the marketplace, it is likely to become increasingly difficult to prove that firearms acquired under false pretenses on a Form 4473 were the ones found in the hands of the true purchaserand thus more difficult to prosecute straw purchasers for making false statements. [62], To provide greater access to professional marking, this proposed rule would clarify that the meaning of the term gunsmith includes persons who engage in the business of identifying firearms for nonlicensees so that gunsmiths may become licensed as dealer-gunsmiths solely to provide professional PMF marking services. This proposed rule would not change the existing requirements for size and depth of markings in 27 CFR 478.92(a)(1) and 479.102(a), but for sake of clarity, consolidates them into a standalone paragraph along with the existing method of measuring the size and depth of markings set forth in 27 CFR 478.92(a)(5) and 479.102(b). This repetition of headings to form internal navigation links Stat. [7], Although ATF's regulatory definitions of frame or receiver do not expressly capture these types of firearms (i.e., split/multi-piece receivers) that now constitute the majority of firearms in the United States,[8] This is consistent with prior ATF guidance to the firearms industry. Under this rule, PMFs would first need to be recorded by the dealer-gunsmith as an acquisition in the licensee's AD Records upon receipt from the private owner (whether or not the licensee keeps the PMF overnight), and once marked, the licensee would update the acquisition entry with the identifying information, and then record its return as a disposition to the private owner. See Design of AR-15 could derail charges tied to popular rifle, APnews.com (Jan. 13, 2020), https://apnews.com/article/396bbedbf4963a28bda99e7793ee6366. See 111 Cong. 922(p), which prohibits the manufacture and possession of firearms that are not as detectable as the Security Exemplar that contains 3.7 ounces of material type 17-4 PH stainless steel.[67]. 28. The proposed rule would also amend ATF's definitions of firearm and gunsmith to clarify the meaning of those terms, and to add new regulatory terms such as complete weapon, complete muffler or silencer device, privately made firearm, and readily for purposes of clarity given advancements in firearms technology. 901(a), 82 Stat. For example, often PMFs resemble commercially manufactured firearms, or incorporate parts from commercially manufactured firearms bearing that manufacturer's name, so some firearms suspected of being PMFs were entered into eTrace using a commercial manufacturer's name rather than as one privately made by an individual. The NFA further defines the term make, and the various derivatives of that word, to include manufacturing (other than by one qualified to engage in the business under this chapter), putting together, altering, any combination of these, or otherwise producing a firearm. 26 U.S.C. See United States v. Rowold, 429 F. Supp. These changes would supersede ATF Rulings 2011-1 and 2016-3, and those rulings would become obsolete upon publication of a final rule. This proposed rule would also account for advances in technology in performing transactions such as electronic storage. Manufacturers of such parts kits must be licensed, abide by the marking and recordkeeping requirements, and pay Federal Firearms Excise Tax on their sales price. Code section 62.1-03-05; Ohio Rev. A licensed importer who proposes to use alternate records shall submit a letter application to the Director and shall describe the proposed alternate records and the need therefor. 922(i) (transporting or shipping stolen firearms in interstate or foreign commerce); id. (D) In the case of an imported firearm, the name of the country in which it was manufactured. [44] section 66-391(b)(1); Ohio Rev. Va. 2002) (ATF has a statutory duty pursuant to the GCA to trace firearms to keep them out of the hands of criminals). No. Defining what a receiver or frame is, however, was left up to regulating agencies - in this case, the ATF. Indeed, most firearms currently in circulation in the United States do not have a specific part that expressly falls within the current frame or receiver regulatory definitions. 25. The 107-page document was made public by Stephen Gutowski at The Reload last month, and . A firearm other than a muffler or silencer that contains all component parts necessary to function as designed whether or not assembled or operable. The commenter shall place any portion of a comment that is proprietary or confidential business information under law on pages separate from the balance of the comment with each page prominently marked PROPRIETARY OR CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORMATION at the top of the page. The information required by this paragraph shall be recorded not later than the close of the next business day following the date of such manufacture or other acquisition, except that, when a commercial record is held by the licensed manufacturer separately from other commercial documents and readily available for inspection, containing all acquisition information required for the record, the period for making the required entry into the record may be delayed not to exceed the seventh day following the date of receipt. This feature is not available for this document. Provides clarity to courts on what constitutes a firearm frame or receiver. 923(g)(1)(A); 27 CFR 478.122, 478.123. The President of the United States issues other types of documents, including but not limited to; memoranda, notices, determinations, letters, messages, and orders. documents in the last year, 28 (b) Armor piercing ammunition. The proposed rule would further codify ATF's policy not to evaluate a firearm accessory or attachment unless it is installed on the firearm(s) in the configuration for which it is designed and intended to be used, and would further explain that [a] determination made by the Director under this paragraph shall not be deemed by any person to be applicable to or authoritative with respect to any other sample, design, model, or configuration.. ATF recently issued that procedure in light of changes to ATF Form 4473 (May 2020), which now requires completion of the form in an order different from that provided in 478.124(f). 922(b)(2) (prohibiting licensees from selling or delivering any firearm to any person in a State where the purchase or possession by such person of such firearm would be in violation of any State law or published ordinance applicable at the place of sale, delivery, or other disposition); id. [76] For more details, please refer to Chapter 3 of the Regulatory Impact Analysis. ATF Letter to Private Counsel #907010 (Mar. [FR Doc. Unlike the prior definitions of frame or receiver that were rigidly tied to three specific fire control components (i.e., those necessary for the firearm to initiate or complete the firing sequence), the new regulatory definition is intended to be general enough to encompass changes in technology and parts terminology. Licensees shall identify in the manner prescribed by this section, or cause another licensee to so identify, each privately made firearm received or otherwise acquired (including from a personal collection) by the licensee before [EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE FINAL RULE] within sixty (60) days from that date, or prior to the date of final disposition (including to a personal collection), whichever is sooner. Markings must also be clearly visible from the exterior because they may be needed to prove that a criminal defendant had knowledge that the serial number was obliterated or altered. Some states allow for person to person transfers. This would be followed by supplements that further explain the meaning of the term frame or receiver for certain firearm designs and configurations, as follows: (a) Firearm muffler or silencer frame or receiver; (b) split or modular frame or receiver, also followed by examples of the frames or receivers for common firearm designs that are distinguishable because of differences in firing cycle, method of operation, or physical design characteristics; (c) partially complete, disassembled, or inoperable frame or receiver; and (d) destroyed frame or receiver. Rep. No. This helps regulated industry members and the public determine what laws and regulations may be applicable to the product, and any steps that they may need to take to be compliant with those laws and regulations. 57. Code section 9.41.190 (prohibiting the manufacture with intent to sell of undetectable and untraceable firearms); see also Philadelphia Becomes First City To Ban 3D-Printed Gun Manufacturing, Further, the proposed rule would amend ATF's regulations on marking and recordkeeping that are necessary to implement these new or amended definitions. On April 11, 2022, the US Attorney General signed the new ATF final rule 2021R-05F - Definition of "Frame or Receiver" and Identification of Firearms. The term shall include any such identification on a privately made firearm, or an ATF issued serial number. 6. v. York, 830 F.2d 885, 891 (8th Cir. The proposed changes to 478.125 would also include a minor amendment to paragraph (f) to make it clear that in the event the licensee records a duplicate entry with the same firearm and acquisition information, whether to close out an old record book or for any other reason, the licensee must record a reference to the date and location of the subsequent entry (e.g., date of new entry, book name/number, page number, and line number) as the disposition. 921(a)(3)(A) even if they cannot expel a projectile in their present form or configuration. documents in the last year, 1487 The application shall show that engraving, casting, or stamping (impressing) such a weapon as required by this section would be dangerous or impracticable, or that the requested period is reasonable and will not hinder the effective administration of this part. Statutory and Executive Order Review, 1. The definition of frame or receiver in 479.11 differs slightly from the definition in 478.11 in that it omits an Oxford comma between bolt or breechblock and firing mechanism.. Importer's or manufacturer's serial number. At the rear of the receiver, the butt or stock is fastened. if licensee, or Form 4473 Serial No. 24, section 2302(a)(1)(b); DC Code section 47-2884.11(d); Fla. Stat. Congress and the Attorney General have delegated the responsibility for administering and enforcing the GCA and NFA to the Director of ATF, subject to the direction of the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General. Licensees shall retain each Form 4473 until business is discontinued, either on paper, or in an electronic alternative method approved by the Director, at the Start Printed Page 27751business premises readily accessible for inspection under this part. The information required by this paragraph shall be recorded in a format containing the applicable columns prescribed by 478.122.Start Printed Page 27750. Licensed manufacturers must identify a complete weapon or complete muffler or silencer device no later than seven days following the date of completion of the active manufacturing process for the weapon or device, or prior to disposition, whichever is sooner. See Webster's Third New International Dictionary, pp. section 21-6306; Ky. Rev. The Department also proposes amending ATF's definitions of firearm and gunsmith to clarify the meaning of those terms, and to provide definitions of terms such as complete weapon, complete muffler or silencer device, privately made firearm, and readily for purposes of clarity given advancements in firearms technology. (2) Model, caliber or gauge, foreign manufacturer, country of manufacture. Rev. Minor technical amendments would also be needed in 27 CFR 447.42, 447.45, 478.112, 478.113, 478.114, and 479.112, pertaining to the importation of firearms. Under the proposed rule, FFLs would be required to mark PMFs within 7 days of the firearm being received by a licensee, or before disposition, whichever first occurs. Stat. However, nothing in this rule would restrict persons not otherwise prohibited from possessing firearms from making their own firearms at home without markings solely for personal use (not for sale or distribution) in accordance with Federal, State, and local law. section 29180 (prohibiting ownership of firearms that do not bear a serial number or other mark of identification provided by the State); Conn. Gen. Stat. Fin. 10. Currently, licensees other than manufacturers and importers do not have to store their ATF Forms 4473 or AD records beyond 20 years. Return of the registered silencer to the registrant may likewise be accomplished by submission of an ATF Form 5 or by a letter from the FFL to the registrant that accompanies the silencer. We ask for public comment on the proposed collection of information to help us determine how useful the information is; whether it can help us perform our functions better; whether it is readily available elsewhere; how accurate our estimate of the burden of collection is; how valid our methods for determining burden are; how we can improve the quality, usefulness, and clarity of the information; and how we can minimize the burden of collection. section 40:1788; Me. The total 10-year discounted cost of the rule is $1.0 million and $1.2 million at 7 percent and 3 percent respectively. 41. General Definition of Frame or Receiver, 2. For purposes of this section, the terms legible and legibly mean that the identification markings use exclusively Roman letters (e.g., A, a, B, b, C, c) and Arabic numerals (e.g., 1, 2, 3), or solely Arabic numerals, and may include a hyphen, and the terms conspicuous and conspicuously mean that the identification markings are capable of being easily seen with normal handling of the firearm and unobstructed by other markings when the complete weapon is assembled. 926(a); 26 U.S.C. From the ATF's website, the proposed changes would: Provide new definitions of "firearm frame or receiver" and "frame or receiver, amend the definition of: "firearm" to clarify when a firearm parts kit is considered a "firearm," and "gunsmith" to clarify the meaning of that term and to explain that gunsmiths may be licensed . This information must be placed in a manner not susceptible of being readily obliterated, altered, or removed. at 182; see also Identification Markings Placed on Firearms, 66 FR 40597 (Aug. 3, 2001) (Firearms tracing is an integral part of Start Printed Page 27724any investigation involving the criminal use of firearms.); Blaustein Reich, Inc. v. Buckles, 220 F. Supp. Licensed manufacturers and importers may continue to identify the additional information on firearms (other than PMFs) of the same design and configuration as they existed before [effective date of the rule] under the prior content rules, and any rules necessary to ensure such identification will remain effective for that purpose. The Public Inspection page may also (b) Split or modular frame or receiver. Further, this NPRM proposes new terms and definitions to take into account technological developments and modern terminology in the firearms industry, as well as amendments to the marking and recordkeeping requirements that would be necessary to implement these definitions. ) of this term includes ` any part or parts ' of a revolver ) ; v.... To ATF information identified as proprietary or confidential business information 116 Stat other... 134-10 ; Idaho Code Ann proprietary or confidential business information serial number [ ]!, APnews.com ( Jan. 13, 2020 ), https: //www.atf.gov/firearms/how-properly-destroy-firearms ; ; ATF Rul have to their. 11E ( prohibiting manufacture or delivery of unserialized firearms to licensed dealer ) 27... Destroy firearms, ATF.gov, https: //apnews.com/article/396bbedbf4963a28bda99e7793ee6366 name of the Regulatory Impact Analysis in..., and those Rulings would become obsolete upon publication of a final rule 2020 ), pp frame! 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Supp this must. # 907010 ( Mar, ATF E-Publication 5320.8 ( April 2009 ), pp may submit to ATF information as... Regulations implementing both the GCA and the atf definition of other firearm this preamble exterior of a firearm other than manufacturers importers. To licensed dealer ) ; 27 CFR 478.126a State v. Shirley, No readily,! 'S Third New International Dictionary, pp be Marked on the visible exterior of a final.! Case, the ATF, section 2302 ( a ) ( 3 ) ( )! Account for advances in technology in performing transactions such as electronic storage Fla. Stat country of manufacture licensees!, please refer to Chapter 3 of the country in which it manufactured!
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