[58] He signed up for the 6th Regiment of the Queen's Dragoons as "Alexandre Dumas" on 2 June 1786;[59][44] thirteen days later, his father died. In March 1861, the kingdom of Italy was proclaimed, with Victor Emmanuel II as its king. [45]) He used the simple form "Alex Dumas" starting in 1794. In the 1840s, he founded the Thtre Historique, located on the Boulevard du Temple in Paris. Husband of Marguerite Josphine Dumas, Ida Ferrier His father, Thomas-Alexander Davy De La Paileteririe, born in wedlock to a black woman, was a soldier who later became a general in Napoleon's army. Alexandre Dumas, pre See all media Born: July 24, 1802 France Died: December 5, 1870 (aged 68) near Dieppe France Notable Works: "The Count of Monte Cristo" "The Count of Monte Cristo" "The Three Musketeers" Movement / Style: Romanticism Notable Family Members: father Alexandre Dumas son Alexandre Dumas, fils See all related content Summary [72], Following the 16 January fighting, Dumas felt insulted by the description of his actions in a battle report by General Berthier, Bonaparte's aide-de-camp, and wrote a letter to Napoleon cursing Berthier. Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870), Novelist. Returning to France after his release, he and his wife had a son, Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870), who would become one of France's most widely-read authors. [71], General Dumas joined the Army of Italy in Milan in November 1796, serving under the orders of commander-in-chief Napoleon Bonaparte. 1891, "L'association des Amis du Gnral Alexandre Dumas", "Lavish reburial for Three Musketeers author", "Alexandre Dumas novels penned by 'fourth musketeer' ghost writer", "Claude Schopp: The man who gave Dumas 40 mistresses", Chteau de Monte-Cristo Museum Opening Hours, "Discours prononc lors du transfert des cendres d'Alexandre Dumas au Panthon", "Paris Monuments Panthon-Close up picture of the interior of the crypt of Victor Hugo (left) Alexandre Dumas (middle) mile Zola (right)", "Banche dati, Open Archives, Libri elettronici", 1866 Caricature of Alexandre Dumas by Andr Gill, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Alexandre_Dumas&oldid=1132801642. In 1830, Dumas participated in the Revolution that ousted Charles X and replaced him with Dumas's former employer, the Duke of Orlans, who ruled as Louis-Philippe, the Citizen King. Born in France in 1802, Dumas was the son of General Thomas-Alexandre Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie, one of the highest-ranking men of African descent to lead a European army. . Though married, in the tradition of Frenchmen of higher social class, Dumas had numerous affairs (allegedly as many as 40). [3][18] When Chirac ordered the transfer to the mausoleum, villagers in Dumas's hometown of Villers-Cotterets were initially opposed, arguing that Dumas laid out in his memoirs that he wanted to be buried there. He acknowledged and assisted his son, Alexandre Dumas, to become a successful novelist and playwright. Aboard the Guillaume Tell, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, Dumas learned that he had been appointed as commander of all cavalry in the Army of the Orient. He was born on July 24, 1802 in Villers-Cotterts, France. They first served during the War of the Polish Succession. i hope you will like it, Alexandre Dumas Family Tree You Should Check It, Dragon Ball Z Goku Family Tree Check All Members List, Wow Classic Family Tree With Complete Detail. The French were thereby able to maintain the siege until French reinforcements could arrive, leading to the city's capitulation on 2 February 1797. Alexandre Dumas (Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie) was born on 24 July, 1802 in Villers-Cotterts, Aisne, France, is a Writer, Soundtrack. Dumas was the Father of the famous French author Alexandre Dumas [ 5] and the first black General in the French army. [5] in 1797. Alexandre Dumas, or " Dumas was born at Paris, France, July 27, 1824, and was educated in Parit schools. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. The story of his life should become the blueprint for his son's most famous novels ' T he Count of Monte Christo ' and ' The Three . He was known to have had at least four illegitimate children, although twentieth-century scholars believe it was seven. [24], Along with Victor Hugo, Charles Baudelaire, Grard de Nerval, Eugne Delacroix and Honor de Balzac, Dumas was a member of the Club des Hashischins, which met monthly to take hashish at a hotel in Paris. [55] Dumas did not sign as witness to the marriage contract. Brief life of the soldier who inspired The Count of Monte Cristo: 1762-1806. . All three were educated at a military school and pursued careers as officers in the French military. Early on in the captivity, Cardinal Fabrizio Ruffo tried to trade Dumas for a Corsican adventurer named Boccheciampe, an imposter posing as Prince Francis, son of Ferdinand IV, in order to aid the Holy Faith movement. He believed his illnesses were caused by poisoning. Dumas was born in Viller-Cotterets, just outside of Paris, on July 24, 1802. [19][20] Returning to Paris in 1864, he published travel books about Italy. [56], Soon after, Dumas decided to join the French Army, a common occupation for gentlemen. [] His frizzy hair recalls the curls of the Greeks and Romans." By the time of his release, he was partially paralyzed, almost blind in one eye, had been deaf in one ear but recovered; his physique was broken. [51], From his arrival in France until Autumn 1778, Alexandre (named Thomas Retor) first lived with his father at the Davy de la Pailleterie family estate in Belleville-en-Caux, Normandy. [18] At some point during these years, Antoine Davy de la Pailleterie purchased the slave woman Marie-Cessette "for an exorbitant price" and made her his concubine. . They included the following: In addition, Dumas wrote many series of novels: The Valois were the royal house of France from 1328 to 1589, and many Dumas romances cover their reign. Dumas's achievement in this period came on 23 March, when the general drove back a squadron of Austrian troops at a bridge over the Eisack River in Clausen (today Klausen, or Chiusa, Italy). S. Rethor es sur leurs enfans ns es a Naitre consentant quil exerce lesd. Although attracted to an extravagant lifestyle and always spending more than he earned, Dumas proved to be an astute marketer. The Dumas family name was adopted from Alexandre's grandmother, an . [13], The family surname was never bestowed upon Thomas-Alexandre, who therefore used "Dumas" as his surname. The collection was donated to Auckland Libraries after his death. S. Rethor, Jeannette es Marie Rose, Creoles, filles de lad. [21] Two years after the death of both his younger brothers, Antoine returned to Europe. Dumas published works comprise 300 volumes and 100,000 pages, and have been translated into nearly 100 languages. [25], On 5 December 1870, Dumas died at the age of 68 of natural causes, possibly a heart attack. Answer (1 of 28): Based on the tradition of saying that someone who is descended from any black ancestors is black, yes, Alexandre Dumas was black. . A copy of the certificate is also held in Archives de lAisne (Laon, France), 304 E 268. ", Service historique de l'Arme de terre, G.D. 2/S 91, Dossier Dumas de la Pailleterie (Thomas Alexandre), certificat de services, cited by Erick Nol, Une carrire contrarie: Alexandre Dumas, homme de couleur et gnral rvolutionnaire,. He is the author of La Dame aux Camlias, or The Lady of the Camellias. In 1738, Charles left the military to become a sugar planter in that colony; he married Anne-Marie Tuff, a rich local French Creole widow, and took over her estate. Alexandre Dumas, pre ( 24 July 1802 - 5 December 1870) was a French writer, best known for his numerous historical novels of high adventure which have made him the most widely read French author in the world. [18] Published by ditions Phbus, it sold 60,000 copies, making it a best seller. The first record of him as "Alexandre Dumas" is in the registry book of the Queen's Dragoons (joined 2 June 1786). Alexandre was a brilliant son of Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, a French general, while his mother, lisabeth Labouret, was a homemaker. USE OF ." Publication place: Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States Publication date: Oct 7 1950 The son of the lesser French nobleman Alexandre-Antoine . In almost all of his writings, he emphasized the moral purpose of literature and in his play The Illegitimate Son (1858) he espoused the belief that if a man fathers an illegitimate child then he has an obligation to legitimize the child and marry the woman. His mother's name is Marie-Cesette Dumas (spelled "Cezette") and referred to as Marie Cezette, negress, mother of Mr. Rethor (Marie Cezette negresse mere dud. Humanity" (Monsieur de l'Humanit) by local sans-culottes; they wanted to intimidate him to conform to their political line at a time when French generals were extremely vulnerable to accusations of treason that often led to execution. Dumas depended on numerous assistants and collaborators, of whom Auguste Maquet was the best known. Thomas-Alexandre (1762-1806) was a General in the French Army during the Revolution. [64] In this brief assignment (SeptemberDecember 1793), Dumas's headquarters were in Bayonne, France, where he was apparently nicknamed "Mr. [18], Schopp has since found additional material related to the Sainte-Hermine saga. These books included: French historian Alain Decaux founded the "Socit des Amis d'Alexandre Dumas" (The Society of Friends of Alexandre Dumas) in 1971. Dumas's paternal grandparents were a French nobleman and an enslaved Haitian woman. Username and password are case sensitive. It was in this period that Austrian troops began calling him the der schwarze Teufel ("Black Devil", or Diable Noir in French). One month after the French National Convention abolished slavery (4 February 1794), Dumas sent a message to troops under his command in the Army of the Alps: Your comrade, a soldier and General-in-Chief was born in a climate and among men for whom liberty also had charms, and who fought for it first. Meet Gen. Alexandre Dumas. Author unknown, Le gnral Alexandre Dumas, homme de couleur, n.d. [1797], Bibliothque nationale de France, NAF 24641, quoted by Reiss (2012). Sincere lover of liberty and equality, convinced that all free men are equals, he will be proud to march out before you, to aid you in your efforts, and the coalition of tyrants will learn that they are loathed equally by men of all colors.[82]. Born Alexandre DUMAS French author and dramatist Born on July 27, 1824 in Paris, France , France Died on November 27, 1895 in Marly-le-Roi, France Born on July 27 45 Deceased on November 27 33 Family tree Report an error DAVY de la PAILLETERIE Alexandre Antoine 1714 - 1786 ? Two years later, faced with financial difficulties, he sold the entire property. Alexandre Dumas, pre, French author. Dumas spent much of 1797 as military governor, administering Treviso province, north of Venice. The two extant primary documents that state a racial identity for Marie-Cessette Dumas refer to her as a "ngresse" (a black woman) as opposed to a "multresse" (a woman of visible mixed race). Antoine Davy de la Pailleterie, who reached the rank of colonel, saw action at the Siege of Philippsburg in 1734. Sources HELP. News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Aug. 28, 2020: Today, August 28, 2020, Google's Doodle spotlighted on Alexandre Dumas, also known as Alexandre Dumas Pre.But while Dumas achieved fame in France for his illustrious fiction career, including The Three Musketeers, (1844) and The Count of Monte Cristo, (1844-1845), his roots run straight to slavery in Haiti through his . The Davy de la Pailleteries were provincial Norman aristocrats whose wealth was in decline. Alexandre Dumas fils, Prface, in Frdric Fbvre, Anonymous, Contributors Club: The Dumas Lineage,. His grandfather was from a noble family, and his grandmother had been a Dominican slave. As Bonaparte disapproved of the author, Dumas fled in 1851 to Brussels, Belgium, which was also an effort to escape his creditors. Thomas-Alexandre did well in the Army and was promoted to general by the age of 31, the first soldier of Afro-Antilles origin to reach that rank in the French army. Charles (although younger than Antoine) returned to Normandy to claim the title of Marquis and the family chteau. "[75], From 7 to 21 July, Dumas commanded the invading army's cavalry as it marched south from Alexandria to Cairo. In March 1799, Dumas left Egypt on an unsound vessel, which was forced to run aground in the southern Italian Kingdom of Naples, where he was taken prisoner and thrown into a dungeon. Please try again. Dumas was born in what is now Haiti to a white father who was a member of the aristocracy and a Black mother who was enslaved. His country home outside Paris, the Chteau de Monte-Cristo, has been restored and is open to the public as a museum. He was the grandson of a woman slave from the Saint Domingue island (later renamed, Haiti), where his French father was born in 1762, and lived a large part of his life. Schopp finally wrote the final two-and-a-half chapters, based on the author's notes, to complete the story. 100 Top Quotes By Alexandre Dumas, The Author Of The Three Musketeers Famous As: One of the Most Popular and Widely Read French Authors of the 19th Century Born On: July 24, 1802 Died On: December 5, 1870 Born In: Villers-Cotterts, France Died At Age: 68 One month later, he was promoted again, to general of division. Dumas made few political statements, but those he made suggest deeply felt republican beliefs. [16] Dumas wrote the short novel Georges (1843), which uses ideas and plots later repeated in The Count of Monte Cristo. [41], Dumas used several names in his life: Thomas-Alexandre Davy de la Pailleterie,[42] Thomas Rethor (or Retor), Alexandre Dumas, Alex Dumas, and Thomas-Alexandre Dumas-Davy de la Pailleterie. [68] He was reassigned to lead the Army of the West from August to October 1794. Please try again. A genealogical family tree and bibliography is Found in: Moorland-Spingarn Research Center. [29] Others have suggested African origins of the names Cessette and Dumas, including Gabon or Dahomey. His paternal grandmother was a black slave named Marie-Cessette from the island of Saint Domingue (present day Haiti) and his paternal grandfather wa. An error has occured while loading the map. Alexandre Dumas was a French writer, whose famous works are The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, Twenty Years After, and The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later. His novels have been translated into nearly 100 languages. From 1839 to 1841, Dumas, with the assistance of several friends, compiled Celebrated Crimes, an eight-volume collection of essays on famous criminals and crimes from European history. Alexandre Dumas. These issues profoundly influenced his thoughts, behaviour, and writing. [76] Napoleon was reported to have said: "I can easily replace him with a brigadier. Username and password are case sensitive. During the 1850s, several of Dumas's plays were staged in London including Mademoiselle de Belle Isle (July 1851) and Les Demoiselles de St. Cyr (May . Under General Massna in February 1797, Dumas helped French troops push the Austrians northward, capturing thousands. Legacy and honors [ edit] The general's grandson, Alexandre Dumas fils (1824-1895), became a celebrated French playwright in the second half of. His death was overshadowed by the Franco-Prussian War. Alexandre Dumas - Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie, cunoscut i ca (Alexandre Dumas pre) Alexandre Dumas tatl, (n. 24 iulie 1802, Villers-Cotterts, Picardia, Frana - d. 5 decembrie 1870, Puys (d), Neuville-ls-Dieppe (d), Normandia Superioar, Frana) a fost un autor de romane istorice de aventuri, prin care a devenit cel mai popular scriitor francez din lume. Dumas Alexandre was born of a black woman who was kept as a slave by his French father. [2] He was the first person of color in the French military to become brigadier general, divisional general, and general-in-chief of a French army.[3]. Writing and publishing the novel serially in 1869, Dumas had nearly finished it before his death. It was often filled with strangers and acquaintances who stayed for lengthy visits and took advantage of his generosity. Dumas said: My father was a mulatto, my grandfather was a Negro, and my great-grandfather a monkey. Death certificate of Alexandre-Antoine Davy de la Pailleterie in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 16 June 1786, Muse Alexandre Dumas (Villers-Cotterts, France). By Christmas he intercepted a spy carrying a message to the Austrian commander with important tactical information. Alexandre Dumas established himself as one of the most popular and prolific authors in France, known for plays and historical adventure novels such as The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte. [27][28] Some scholars have suggested that "Dumas" was not a surname for Marie-Cessette, but, meaning "of the farm" (du mas), was added to her first names to signify that she belonged to the property. In the summer of 1793, Saint-Georges was accused of misusing government funds, and the Legion disbanded. On 28 August 2020, Google celebrated Dumas with a Google Doodle. GENEALOGY SERVICES. [74], Dumas was ordered to report to Toulon, France, in March 1798 for an unspecified assignment. In 1913, a statue of General Dumas was erected in Place Malesherbes (now Place du . [23] Her grandson's memoir gave her name as Louise,[25] and another source recorded Ccile. Marie-Louise Labouret-Dumas to Madame Carmin, 4 December 1806, Muse Alexandre Dumas (Villers-Cotterts, France). [17] They resided together at a plantation called La Guinaude[17] (Guinode[23]), near Jrmie (formerly in the French colony of Saint-Domingue, now Haiti) until shortly before Antoine's departure in 1775. Brother of Aime-Letellier Dumas and Louise-Alexandrine Dumas. In addition, they have inspired more than 200 motion pictures. Dumas had this, but the French race laws "made it hard for a man of mixed race to claim his rightful title or noble status". [63], On 30 July 1793, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general in the Army of the North. Deze informatie is onderdeel van The Forgotten Ones van Ken E Austin II op Genealogie Online. See also: The Count of Monte Cristo. [dudit] S. Rethor), Antoine-Vincent Arnault, Antoine Jay, Etienne de Jouy, and Jacques Marquet de Norvins, Dumas (Alexandre Davy-de-la-Pailleterie), in, Alphonse Rabbe, Claude-Augustin-Charles Vieilh de Boisjoslin, and Francois-Georges Binet de Boisgiroult, baron de Sainte-Preuve, Dumas (Alexandre-Davy), in, Philippe Le Bas, Dumas (Alexandre Davy de la Pailleterie), in. When Thomas-Alexandre arrived in Le Havre in 1776 Alexandre-Antoine freed his son and took him to the family estate where he would be educated as a nobleman. Dumas's father's aristocratic rank helped young Alexandre acquire work with Louis-Philippe, Duke of Orlans, then as a writer, a career which led to early success. Dumas was subsequently omitted from mention in Napoleon's battle report to the Directory, France's government at the time. [23] They did not have any children together. ? What most people don't know, however, was that Alexandre Dumas was Black. In 2009, a sculpture in his honor, made by Driss Sans-Arcidet, This page was last edited on 2 January 2023, at 07:45. At this point, Antoine broke off contact with his brother and his family for a period of thirty years, although they both lived on the same small island. Dumas travelled there and for the next three years participated in the movement for Italian unification. De dela Pailleterie se dessaisissans a son profit de tous les droits de proprit quelle pouvais avoir sur lesd. Hotels near Alexandre Dumas Station, Vincennes on Tripadvisor: Find 17,476 traveler reviews, 2,356 candid photos, and prices for 3,033 hotels near Alexandre Dumas Station in Vincennes, France. National Convention decree, 22 December 1793, Service historique de la Dfense (Vincennes, France), 7YD91, and memo published in, 114) S. H. A. T., G. D. 2/S 91, Dossier Dumas de la Pailleterie (Thomas Alexandre), ampliation du 15 thermidor an II, cited by Erick Nol, Une carrire contrarie: Alexandre Dumas, homme de couleur et gnral rvolutionnaire,. droits es en jouisse fasse es dispose en toute proprit es Comme de Choses lui appartenant au Moyen des presentes, mad. Dumas was the son of Alexandre Dumas pre, who authored The Three Musketeers, The Count of Monte Cristo, and other classic works of French literature, and the grandson of Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, the Haitian-born French general. This is assumed to have been his mother's surname, but in fact, the surname "Dumas" occurs only once in connection with Marie-Cessette, and that happens in Europe, when Thomas-Alexandre states, while applying for a marriage license, that his mother's name was "Marie-Cessette Dumas." Dumas soon participated in the Battle of the Pyramids (following which he chased retreating Mameluke horsemen) and the occupation of Cairo. Ex-partner of Marie Laure Catherine Labay; Belle Kreilssamner; Emlie Cordier; Anne Baur; Mlanie Waldor and 1 other; and Louise Brzette less Dumas is probably best known for fathering the famous French writer Alexandre Dumas (pre). Family : Change in family responsibilities 27 July 1824 (Illegitimate son Alexandre born) . [37] The purpose in creating this society was to preserve the Chteau de Monte-Cristo, where the society is currently located. He founded a production studio, staffed with writers who turned out hundreds of stories, all subject to his personal direction, editing, and additions. He also wrote numerous magazine articles and travel books; his published works totalled 100,000 pages. At that time, the law allowed the elder Dumas to take the child away from his mother. Thomas-Alexandre had two siblings by his parents: Adolphe and Jeannette. His father sold Marie-Cessette and her other three children before taking Thomas-Alexandre to France. In Paris, she had a sold-out run of Les Pirates de la Savanne and was at the peak of her success. Delisson to the Count de Maulde, 25 June 1786, Archives dpartementales du Pas-de-Calais (Dainville and Arras, France), 10J35. In his memoirs, Napoleon remembered threatening to shoot Dumas for sedition. Alexandre Dumas was born in the village of Villers-Cotterts in the department of Aisne, northeast of Paris, France, Europe. Antoine however retained ownership of Thomas-Alexandre (his only natural son) and took the boy with him to France. There was a slow migration of Dumas from France and adjacent countries from the 1700's to the present. As of August2017[update] its president is Claude Schopp. Although Dumas kept his mother's familial name, his father raised him in France, which guaranteed opportunities to people of mixed race. Thomas-Alexandre Dumas was a mulatto born in the French colony of Saint Domingue ( Haiti ). As many people have said - it seems like every person in America whose last name is Dumas claim they are related to the famous writers, Alexandre Dumas pere and fils.But it was proven to be not true.they had only French descendants within the boundaries of France.And the lines died out for the male heirs bearing the name of Dumas. He died in the Seine-Maritime region of Normandy in northern France on December 5, 1870. 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